We express our sincere gratitude to Mr. Ashok Kumar, CEO, The Indian High School, Dubai, who has been giving us tremendous support at various stages of development. He has been very helpful to the school in getting various kinds of resources and in taking our cause to kind donors for sponsorship of poor female students as a step towards their empowerment and a better future.
The school is also grateful to Mr. Raghunandan Sharma, presently in Arbil (Iraq), who has been associated with us very closely and who has helped us in expanding our network of friends and well-wishers. He has been the pioneer member, a true friend, philosopher and guide.
We have got a very good friend and well-wisher in Mr. Atindra Roy who has always remained in touch with the developments. We truly regard him for his active support, guidance and efforts in taking our cause to generous donors. We sincerely thank him for helping us with the contents of the website.
Mr. Bhupendra Singh has been very kind to give us a face by designing for us the website free of cost. We cannot forget his contribution as he took some precious time off from his busy schedule to do this favour. We have great respect for him for the kind and affable person he is and for his continuous support.